
Dear ICREAM participant,

The organizing committee is pleased to inform you that certified professional training in the field of solar energy, desalination, wastewater treatment and fuel cell will be planned for June 21st ,2022.

Training sessions :

  1. Sizing of a smart solar pumping and irrigation system.
  2. Desalination technologies: Reverse osmosis and thermal desalination with the use of desalination process sizing software.
  3. Digitalization of a company.
  4. Business decarbonization.
  5. Wastewater treatment for water recovery for irrigation.
  6. Fuel cell demonstration.
This training will be concretized with manipulations


Note that:

  • The registration fees for the conference cover also the training session. 



Due to the high number of requests received, the organizing committee has decided to extend online registration and Abstract submission deadline by 1 week (April 22, 2022 23:59:59 GMT/UTC).


ICREAM'22 Abstract Submission Guide

Are you interested in submitting your abstract to ICREAM'22?

Follow our step-by-step guide on how to submit:

1) Identify which conference theme you would like to submit an abstract for.

    Find the full list of all ICREAM'22 themes here.

2) Download the abstract template.

3) Prepare your abstract according to the abstract template.

4) Submit your abstract via the abstract submission system.

 For any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out and email us at 

Please note: Abstracts can only be submitted via the online abstract submission system, Abstracts submitted via email can not be accpeted.


Publishing your work

The organizing committee informs ICREAM participants that the papers that are accepted by the scientific committee will be published in MaterialsToday: Proceedings, The European Physical Journal Applied Physics (EPJAP), Journal Of Thermal Engineering, Journal of Composite Science and Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing (All indexed SCOPUS).

FullPaper submission deadline : May 22, 2022

Materials Today : Proceedings Template

Instructions for Authors (EPJAP)

Journal of Thermal Engineering

Journal of Composites Science

Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing


 Energy and Materials are the master keys of the open challenge dominating our world and its future.

 ICREAM’ 22 is an International Conference on  Renewable Energy Applications & Materials, which will be held 22-24 June, in ENS Casablanca, Morocco.

 ICREAM' 22 is a meeting dedicated to cutting edge research that addresses scientific needs of academic researchers, industrial and professionals to explore new horizons of knowledge on various topics in interlink between materials and energy applications fields. 

 ICREAM’ 22 is scheduled to include high quality contribution during presentation sessions, and to engage participants in interesting discussion sessions. 

 Accepted abstracts followed by full paper submissions will be presented as oral or poster in the corresponding conference session listed in Topics of Interests.

 The Conference discusses major research issues in the specified fields of interest and their applications in the business markets, in technical and industrial areas, from resource assessment to market and policy developments, drawing on leading experiences worldwide.

 All papers accepted by the Scientific Committee will be considered for publication in indexed journals.



- A comprehensive presentation of the state-of-the-art as well as research development and challenges in renewable energy and applications.   

- Discussion of the topics such as new materials, novel device concepts and applications.

- Analysis of the opportunities and barriers hindering photovoltaics development in the world and in Morocco

- To derive profit from the universal world experiences in the domain of renewable energy

- Supporting the foundation of national renewable energy association in Morocco

- Giving the opportunity to discuss drawn practical recommendations on the subject.


Sponsors & Partners





  • Registration on the ICREAM '22 website is mandatory for any submission


  • Fill out the online submission form.
  • Submit the communication file online.



Downlaod ICREAM'22 flyer here


Download the Tourstic Guide here



Materials Today: Proceedings provides the materials science community with a fast and flexible route to the publication of research presented at national and international scientific conferences in the field of materials science.


EPJ AP is a peer-reviewed international journal devoted to the promotion of recent progresses in the field of applied physics dedicated to materials and solid-state sciences properties.

Journal of Thermal Engineering : is supported by Yildiz Technical University officially, and is a blind peer-reviewed free open-access journal, published bimontly (January-March-May-July-September-November).

Journal of Composites Science is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on the science and technology of composites published monthly online by MDPI.


Precandidatures ENS Casa 2020

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