Keynote speakers


Dr. ALOUANI Abdelkader

Vice-Président Capital Humain au Groupe OCP (Site de Khouribga ) Doctorat (PhD) en Génie des procédés, enrichissement des minerais (Sciences et Technologies) Ingénieur en Génie Chimique et énergétique .

 Réalisations et contributions

·     Réalisation de la première unité de traitement des phosphates par procédé OCP de flottation inverse

·     Contribution à la généralisation du procédé de flottation au niveau des usines de lavage et flottation

·     Développement d’un procédé de combustion du coke de pétrole

·     Contribution à l’élaboration du système de Management global et des standards (HSE, SMQ, SMGI, OPS et Excellence opérationnelle)

·     Réalisation des formations en plusieurs disciplines au profit des collaborateurs et Managers OCP, des universités, écoles d’ingénieurs et collège Royal de l’enseignement supérieur militaire (Génie des procédés, Minéralurgie, Enrichissement des Minerais, Traitement des Eaux, Flottation, Maintenance Industrielle, Développement durable, HSE, Amélioration Continue et Management du Capital Humain) (OCP PROFESSORS)

·     Plusieurs publications internationales en techniques d’enrichissement des minerais, en flottation, simulation et optimisation des procédés, plan d’expérience, techniques de séchage et HSE

·     Les brevets déposés (Fours rotatifs de séchage, moteur à NH3, déssalement de l’eau saumâtre, machine de désinfection à UVC et filtre antivirus).



Ancien étudiant et docteur de l’Université de Montpellier, et titulaire d'une Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches de Sorbonne Université, Adil BENAARBIA effectue sa recherche au Laboratoire d’Etude des Microstructures et de Mécanique des Matériaux (LEM3 UMR CNRS 7239), et ses enseignements à l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers (ENSAM). Ses activités de recherche sont à forte composante mécanique expérimentale et computationnelle avec une orientation vers l’étude multi-échelle et multiphysique du comportement thermomécanique de matériaux structurants (alliages métalliques, polymères, polymères composites). La démarche scientifique qu’il développe repose de façon équilibrée sur des investigations expérimentales (avec métrologie sans contact notamment) permettant des mesures de champs à diverses échelles d’observation et sur le développement de modèles et d’outils spécifiques de calcul numérique intégrant les principales signatures multiphysiques mises en jeu. L'ensemble de ses travaux a été réalisé en lien très étroit avec des grands partenaires industriels et académiques nationaux et internationaux dans les domaines de l'énergie nucléaire, des transports et des matériaux ce qui témoigne de la forte prégnance des approches qu'il développe, et de leur impact dans des champs applicatifs très variés. Ses travaux ont fait l’objet de plusieurs articles dans des revues internationales à comité de lecture, d’actes de congrès et de chapitres d’ouvrage qui jouissent d’une très forte reconnaissance.


Pr. BENKADDA Sadruddin

Sadruddin Benkadda is a Professor at CNRS and Aix Marsseille University, France, where he has been since 1992. From 1999 to 2022 he served as Head of Dynamics of Complex Systems Group at Aix Marsseille University. From 2007 to 2014 he served as Director of the France-Japan International Laboratory on Fusion Science (LIA 336 CNRS/Osaka Univ/NIFS/Kyushu Univ). Since 2019 he is also leading the France-Japan ITER Physics International Laboratory. In 2006 he became a Fellow of the Japanese Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS). Since 2007 he is Director of ITER International School.  During 1995-1997 he was a Visiting Professor at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory ( PPPL), Princeton, USA, and in 2003 he was visiting faculty at Kyoto University, Japan.  In 2015 he was appointed Invited Professor at Osaka University (Japan) and obtained a Grant for Promotion of International Collaboration. He has been appointed Special Invited Professor at Osaka University for the period 2019-2023. 

He received his Ph.D. in Physics at Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France in 1983. From 1983 to 1987 he worked at Ecole Polytechnique as assistant Professor and received his Doctorat d’Etat (Habilitation thesis) in 1987. 

His research interests span both dynamics of complex systems and thermonuclear fusion science. Much of his work has been on improving the understanding and control of transport of matter and heat in chaotic and turbulent dynamical systems mainly through the development of innovative statistical tools, and high performance computing simulations. His works have implications in several fields such as astrophysics, fusion science, fluid turbulence, integration of renewable energy systems and finance. 

Professor Benkadda is co-author of Introduction to ITER Physics (World Scientific, 2015) and is the author of 180 papers published in high impact international peer-reviewed journals. As of 2022, Google Scholar reports over 3752 citations to his work. He has given numerous invited talks and tutorials, and is permanent member of scientific committees and also chair of major international conferences such as ICPP(International Conference on Plasma Physics) and IDDPS(International Data Driven Plasma Science). 




Né en 1956, Amin BENNOUNA enseigne la Physique depuis 1980, a remporté une Distinction du Prix National Marocain de la Recherche en 2009, a dirigé deux sociétés énergétiques (jusqu'en 2005 et jusqu'en 2018) et a occupé plusieurs postes au sein de l'Association Marocaine de l'Industrie Solaire et Eolienne de 1996 à 2016. Il coordonne un réseau de 250 chercheurs marocains en énergie après avoir mené une recherche sur l'énergie solaire "Innoprojet" portée par toutes les universités marocaines avec des fonds IRESEN (2014-2018), et après avoir géré deux projets européens multilatéraux "Medcampus" avec des fonds de l’UE (1990- 1994). Après avoir construit un scénario énergétique (2007) pour le Maroc 2030 et signé plus de 200 articles, il met actuellement à jour sa "Monographie de l'énergie au Maroc" (première édition en 2011).



Pr. BENYOUSSEF Abdelilah 

Moroccan Foundation for Advanced Science, Innovation and Research, Morocco.

Prof. Abdelilah Benyoussef received his “Doctorat d’état” degree from the Paris-Sud University in 1983. He is a permanent member of the Moroccan Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology, since 2006. He is associate professor in the materials and nanomaterials center of the Moroccan Foundation for Advanced Science, Innovation and Research. He is National coordinator of the Competences Pole of Condensed Matter and Systems Modeling. He is also an editor in chief of the Moroccan Journal of Condensed Matter. He is President of the Moroccan Society of Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter. He has been visiting professor in many research centers, laboratories and Universities in Belgium, Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, Japan, Spain, Tunisia, and United states. The main interest topics of Abdelilah Benyoussef are Ab initio calculation and Monte carlo method in modeling and simulation of new materials for renewable energy; Magnetism and phase transition in condensed matter; complex systems and critical self-organization in statistical physics. He is a co-author of more than 400 research publications and book chapters and about 100 conference presentations including numerous invited papers and talks. He has co-chaired or co-organized several international conferences. He holds a number of patents and supervised 40 postgraduate research candidates.



Pr. El Moznine Reddad

Reddad El Moznine is Professor and he is currently working at Faculty of Science; El Jadida; University Chouaib Doukkali; Morocco. Laboratory of Condensed Matter Physics (LPCM); Team: Environmental Physics.He received his PhD in Materials Physics (1997) from University; Blaise Pascal; Clermont-Ferrand; France. His research activities were carried out with industrial partner: GEC-Alsthom; Lyon; France.

He carried out post-doctoral work (1998) on project with industrial partner: Ato-findley at Wisconsin; and Center of Adhesives and Sealant Science, Chemistry Department, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, (USA). He also carried out post-doctoral work (2001) on project with industrial partner: Astra-Zeneca at De Montfort University, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Leicester, United Kingdom (UK).

Since (2003); he has been working as a Assistant Professor (PA) at Chouaib Doukkali University; Faculty of Sciences; El Jadida; Morocco. His research interests are centered on the dielectric/electric and rheological properties of materials. He focuses on developing news approaches for microscopic understanding the dielectric and electric behavior en combination with the rheological properties of a very large variety of materials with their applications areas in various fields.

His research interests include: Impedance-dielectric spectroscopy; Electrical and dielectric properties; Rheological properties; Valorization of natural resources (Algae - Agave); Bio-composites; Bio-ceramics; Wastewater treatment; Photovoltaic cells.

He has international scientific partnerships for two PHC-Toubkal Projects with Polytech. Clermont-Ferrand; and ENSAIT; Lille; France. He supervised 16 PhD students, among them 8 defended the PhD. He has co-authored more than 50 papers in peer-reviewed international journals, with Chapter book edited with Elsevier and 70 in international and national conference proceedings. Member of scientific associations: Moroccan Society for Valorization of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development "SMAVARN-2D". Reviewer for Journal of African Earth Sciences (Elsevier) and Journal of the American Ceramic Society (Wiley).


Pr. FAIK Abdessamad

Dr. Abdessamad Faik (PhD, Univ.Basque Country,Spain, 2009). His PhD focused on synthesis, structural study and phase transitions at non-ambient conditions of perovskite materials. He has an extensive experience in synthesis of new compounds by different methods and a strong knowledge in X-ray and neutron diffraction.

He has held a Post-doctoral fellow for 14 months at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in Orleans (France) in the domain of thermal storage for concentrated solar power plants where he has studied and developed innovative and original materials for sensible thermal energy storage.

His second Post-doctoral position was held at CIC energiGUNE for 20 months, with a stay as a guest scientist during the first year at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Stuttgart (Germany). Here he studied and developed new materials for thermochemical energy storage.

He then worked at the Research Institute of Solar Energy and New Energies (IRESEN) in Rabat (Morocco) as a head of Thermal Systems Department where he has participated in several academic and industrial projects.


Pr. FARAJI Mustapha 

Mustapha Faraji is a professor in the Physics Department of Faculty of Sciences Ain Chok, Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco. He is an ex-engineer graduated from ENIM Rabat in 1995. He obtained his PhD in mechanics and energetics from Faculty of Sciences Semlalia, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech in 2010. He is a member of the renewable energy Moroccan Association AMFRERE.  His research interests are on Heat storage, phase change materials, cooling electronic components, and heat transfer in nanofluids.




Pr. HLIL El Kebir 

is a Professor of Physics of Materials in the University of Grenoble Alpes at Grenoble, France. From Teaching experience point of view, He is a lecturer of Physics of material including characterizations, physical properties and namely materials for energy. He has worked in several research fields and namely on materials for storage and conversion of energy such as Metal hydrides, Thermoelectric materials, Magnetocaloric materials and Semi-conductor materials. He has participated in several International Schools as lecturer of electronic structure calculations, characterization of powders and nanomaterials as well as materials for energy. He supervised over 60 PhD students.




Pr. LE TREUT Hervé 

Né en 1956, Hervé le Treut entre à l'École normale supérieure (ENS) en 1976, il entame en 1978 une thèse de doctorat sur la modélisation des nuages dans le système climatique, qu'il soutiendra en 1985. Directeur de l'IPSL (Institut Pierre Simon Laplace), Hervé Le Treut est parallèlement professeur de mécanique à l'École polytechnique, et à l'université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie. Il enseigne également la dynamique climatique à l'École normale supérieure. Membre de l'Académie des sciences depuis le 29 novembre 2005, ses travaux portent sur la modélisation numérique du système climatique et la compréhension des perturbations radiatives du climat, en particulier le rôle de l'effet de serre additionnel lié aux activités humaines. Ses compétences, internationalement reconnues, lui ont valu de faire partie du GIEC, le groupe d'experts intergouvernemental sur l'évolution du climat. Hervé le Treut a reçu de nombreuses distinctions parmi lesquels le Prix Becquerel de l'Académie des sciences (1994), les Palmes Académiques et Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur (2011) .Hervé Le Treut est représenté dans une interview de la bande dessinée "Saison Brune", parue en 2012.




is a distinguished professor at ENSAM, Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology (Metz, France). He is the head of the SMART research group and former adjunct-professor at Georgia Tech (Lorraine). Prof. Meraghni is Dean of Graduate School and PhD Programs (Ecole Doctorale) – ENSAM, Arts et Métiers. His research activities are mainly focusing on the micromechanical modelling using mean-field and/or full-field homogenization approaches for the prediction of damage and strain-rate dependent behavior of polymer-based composites. Professor Meraghni is also renowned in the field of the investigation and damage detection in polymer-based composites using advanced experimental techniques (bulk and UGW, DIC, SEM, micro-tomography) towards performing in-situ and/or operando-analysis under multiaxial thermomechanical loading configuration. Currently, Prof. Meraghni and his group develop Physically Informed Simulation (Hybrid Twin) using artificial intelligence and the model reduction methods towards proposing real-time damage tolerance prediction in composite materials and structures.

Prof. Meraghni has several strong international scientific partnerships (USA, Germany, Canada, Greece, China) as well as with partners from industry. He supervised 30 PhD students, among them 25 defended the PhD. He has co-authored more than 113 papers in peer-reviewed international journals, with 2 books edited with Elsevier and 135 in international and national conference proceedings (Hindex=33  He received many awards, among them the Shape Memory and Superelasticity 2020 Best Paper Award and the PSA group (Stellantis) award as the best academic cooperation for 2018.


Pr. MIMET Abdelaziz

Abdelmalek Essaâdi University, Tetouan, Morocco




Mourad NACHTANE was born in Casablanca, Morocco, in 1993. He obtained his Ph.D. in Engineering Science (ENSTA Bretagne, France) in 2019 and the M.Sc. degree in renewable energy and energetic system in 2016 from University of Hassan II Casablanca. In 2019, he worked as temporary teaching and research assistant (ATER) at university of Bordeaux France, and the Institute of Mechanics and Engineering (I2M). In December 2020, he joined ENSAM Campus Metz, where he has a dual position. Indeed, he is an associate professor at LEM3 Research Lab and also an R&D Engineer at CETIM Grand Est, the renowned French research and technology organization (RTO). Besides the teaching activities, this double position allows him to work both in the academic field on fundamental research topics, and in the technical applied field as a scientific referent within this RTO. He is in charge to promote the scientific cooperation between CETIM Grand Est and ENSAM by developing innovative projects dealing with the development of numerical approaches aimed at optimizing the behavior of recycled thermoplastic composites concerning their process-induced microstructures. Author of +50 peer-reviewed articles and + 12 papers in international conferences. Reviewer for more than 20 international scientific journals (composite structures, renewable energy ...). The published works have contributed significantly to answering scientific issues related to the use of composite materials in different sectors of activity. I have been awarded four scientific prizes: "The Peer Prize for Climate", "French Navy, Amirale Daveluy", "University research competition and Innovation "," Innovation in Science and Technology of the Francophonie "," Future Projects 2018 - BPGO ". Member of several scientific associations. In addition, He has participated in several academic and industrial projects. Also, he supervised 6 master's students. To date, he has supervised 2 Ph.D. students in the field of renewable marine energy and mechanics of materials.



Pr. TAHIRI Mohamed

Professor Mohamed TAHIRI is currently a full professor of Chemistry, Chemical Risks, Composite Materials, Electroplating technics, Environment account,  Water and environment engineering, Biomass and Biogas; at Sciences Faculty of Hassan II University of Casablanca

Since January 2010, he’s the Innovation Chair  holder  and TTO of The Hassan II University of Casablanca. As part of his TEMPUS-supported role, Mohamed TAHIRI has received extensive training in Europe on Innovation, technology Transfer, Intellectual Property Rights and innovation Management.

He holds in his faculty a Bachelor on sanitation management in urban and rural areas.

He’s conducting R&D in partnerships with various industries. He is part of the national network of expert in Environment economy with whom he realized an economical evaluation of damages and inefficiencies caused to the environment.

He has been awarded: Hassan II Prize for the Environment in 2009, AFP Washington Prize 2012, University-Business Competitiveness Prize 2014, InnovTex Prize 2019 and 2021.

He holds 5 invention patents

He published over 40 general and research articles, organized international meetings and conferences in Morocco (FIERTE Maroc 2007: International Conference on renewable Energies and Water Technologies in partnership with commerce and navigation chamber of Almeria Spain ; MENA Symposium on ‘’Environment analysis and economical evaluation , Marrakech 2009).


Professor Mohamed TAHIRI has consulted widely in the areas of applied chemistry, environment account, eco efficiency and eco management, chemical hazard, environment engineering and climate changes; domestic and industrial waste water treatment, biogas and Biomass; …etc.  He has conducted the team of research on organoleptic properties of crude water deserving Great Casablanca. Pr. TAHIRI has been senior consultant for multinational and national companies especially in Water treatment technologies, (Socomec,Technopur-Francee, ISB water-France, Patrabl-morocco),  integrated management of solid wastes (ECOVAL-Holcim-Morocco, Life’s Solution-Morocco), Electroplating (Chimichrom, Keminord,   Morocco, Shlötter Germany, Environment Park Italy)  



Pr. NUNZI Jean-Michel 

Professor, jointly appointed with the Department of Physics, engineering Physics and Astronomy, and the Department of Chemistry, 90 Bader Lane, Queen’s University, Kingston ON K7l-3N6, Canada.
His research interest is on light matter interaction with organic, nanostructured and natural materials. He study sustainable and renewable energy, artificial intelligence, quantum optics and photonics for life.
This encompasses photo-physics, nonlinear optics, self-organization under light, charge generation and transport, solar cells, plastic lasers, nano-materials and organic electronics. He also study the fabrication of chiral structures using light - matter interactions.

Research Specialization: Photonics, Nonlinear Optics, Organic Devices, Organic Electronics, Organic Semiconductors, Polymers, Nanomaterials, Photo-catalysis.

Areas of Research: Optics and Photonics, Micro and Nanoelectronics, Renewable energies. 11 patents, 317 peer-reviewed publications, 8100 citations and H-index 50 in the Web of Knowledge.




CY Cergy Paris University

Deputy Director of the Physics Department.








Ismael SAADOUNE, Full Professor in the University Cadi Ayyad (UCA) since 2000, was born in Casablanca in 1965 and graduated from the University of Bordeaux, France (French PhD) and the University Cadi Ayyad of Marrakech, Morocco (Moroccan PhD). These Two PhDs were focused on Material Science with the specific research topic ‘Lithium-ion Batteries as efficient energy storage system’.

 In 2002, He created the Laboratory of Materials and Environmental Chemistry in UCA. More than 100 graduate and 40 Master students were hosted in his Lab. 14 PhD Students have been under his supervision, all of them are now involved in the Industry or in research laboratories. He is the principal investigator of 8 national and 12 international research projects. He is involved in two European Master ERASMUS MUNDUS: ‘Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion’ and ‘Functionalized Advanced Materials and Engineering’.

Professor Ismael SAADOUNE was recently received an award from Tokyo University of Science, Japan as a result of his intensive activity on lithium ion batteries.

He has authored/co-authored over 150 peer-reviewed, conference papers, and project reports. He is currently a member of editorial boards for three journals and reviewer of more than 100 research papers. His publications have received more than 3600 citations and his Hirsch index is h = 14.
Pr I. Saadoune has been visiting professor in many universities and research institutes within international scientific collaborations (Germany, Spain, Japan, France, Sweden, South Korea, USA).



Pr. SAIFAOUI Dennoun

né  en 1955 dans la région de Safi. J’ai obtenu mon baccalauréat sciences mathématique en 1974 au lycée Hassan II SAFI.J ’ai obtenu ma licence de Physique à la faculté des sciences agdal de Rabat.J’ai obtenu mon DEA à RENNES sur la microélectronique et matériaux en 1980.J’ai obtenu ma thèse de troisième cycle sur les phénomènes de surface et semiconducteurs sur un projet de développement de capteurs à semiconducteur CdSe de CO2En 1984-85 j’ai bénéficié d’un détachement pour aller s’inscrire avec le prix Nobel Pr Ilya Prigogine pour préparer un Doctorat d’état sur la physique statistique et la physique des plasmas. Jusqu’à aujourd’hui j’ai publié 117 articles et soutenir une trentaine de thèses et des brevets sur les technologies d’hydrogène. Je travaille actuellement sur les installations et la conception des procédés de dessalement de l’eau de mer et l’eau saumâtre dans plusieurs régions du Maroc.. J’ai créé mes collègues physiciens un pôle de compétence sur la modélisation et simulation dans la matière condensée- En même temps nous avons créé un journal qui accompagne les conférences des jeunes chercheurs au Maroc et à l’étranger pour la publication de leurs travaux de recherches. En 2012 j’ai transformé le laboratoire de Physique théorique en laboratoire des énergies renouvelables pour confirmer notre contribution dans la transition énergétique en parallèle avec le projet Noor lancé par sa majesté Mohamed VI à Ouarzazate en 2009. .En 2017 j’ai obtenu un projet de 3oooooo DH sur les systèmes multi sources pour alimenter un système de dessalement. J’ai organisé plusieurs conférences internationales et expert d’évaluateur de plusieurs articles dans des journaux internationaux. Jusqu’à aujourd’hui j’ai publié 117 articles et une soutenir une trentaine de thèses


Pr. TARFAOUI Mostapha 

Professor at ENSTA Bretagne and expert in "Nanotechnology and multifunctional materials" Author of +93 peer-reviewed articles and + 200 papers in international conferences. Supervision of +50 students in the field of materials and mechanics Expert for research projects funded by the European Union, local authorities, DGA ... Referent of +20 international scientific journals. Prize: "The Peer Prize for Climate", "French Navy, Amirale Daveluy", "University research competition and Innovation "," Innovation in Science and Technology of the Francophonie "," Future Projects 2018 - BPGO ". Member of several scientific associations. Project leader of several advanced industrial projects (WINFLO, PyWec, Bombardier Project ...).



Pr. TRAN Quoc Tuan 

received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering and his “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” degree (Dr. Habil.) from the Grenoble Institute of Technology (Grenoble INP), France, in 1993 and 2000, respectively. He is actually Professor at the INSTN (National Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology/Paris-Saclay University), Director of Research and International Expert at the CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission), Scientific Manager for smart grid at the CEA-Liten/INES (French National Institute for Solar Energy) and Teacher at the INSTN and the Grenoble Institute of Technology, the Grenoble Alpes University (UGA) and the ENSTA (Institut Polytechnique de Paris).

His research interests are in the fields of smart-grid, microgrid, power system analysis, operations and protection, electromagnetic transients, real time and co-simulation, renewable energy (solar energy & wind energy), electric vehicle, energy storage, smart building, energy management and control. He has realized and piloted more than 50 projects such as European, industrial, Ademe, ANR projects... He holds 10 patents, is (co‑)author of seven books, and he has published more than 250 publications in journals and conference proceedings. He has supervised 50 PhD thesis. He is a IEEE senior member and CIGRE member.


Pr. NAIMI Youssef

Prof. Youssef NAIMI, Faculty of Sciences Ben M’sik, Hassan II University of Casablanca, Casablanca, Morocco.


Born in 1966 in Casablanca. He obtained a bachelor's degree in experimental sciences in 1985 at the Moulay Abdellah high school in Casablanca. He obtained a license in Chemistry at the Faculty of Sciences of Ain Chock Casablanca in 1989. Then, he obtained a DEA in electrochemistry at the Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris. In the same university, he obtained a doctorate (Ph.D.), thesis: Optimization study of the hydrogen electrode of fuel cells with proton exchange membrane. In 1996, he joined university teaching at the Faculty of Sciences Ben M'sik, Casablanca. He continued his research work on H2/O2 fuel cells in collaboration with the Cnam (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers) in Paris and defended a State doctorate in 2006. He coordinated several research projects, supervised twenty doctoral theses. He is the coordinator of the Specialized Master in Renewable Energies and Materials. He is head of the Chemistry Department at the Ben M'sik Faculty of Sciences, since January 2020.


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